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Last Updated: 2011/5/2
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Business Meeting April 25, 2011 - 6:30 PM

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Layne Lescault, Paul Mangiafico, Cindy McIntyre, Steve Meeker, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, Rosalie Newman, Denise Rodriguez, Diane Savinelli, Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna

Staff Members Present: Jessi Zeigler, Jill Pluta, Sheila Russo

Guests Present:  Jason Flynn (for Leonard Penna), Sheilah Krasnickas
 1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm on April 25, 2011 by Tom Murtha in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of March 2011 Minutes - Motion made by Jim Solomon to approve minutes and seconded by Layne Lescault. Motion passed unanimously.

 2. Chairman’s Report
          a) There are three viable candidates for the Executive Director position. The selection                  committee should be making a recommendation soon.
          b) Security deposit has not been received yet from Mount Pleasant landlord.
 3. Treasurer’s Report – No financial report tonight.
          a) In Ron Pekrul’s absence, Tom Murtha discussed recent work of Eileen and auditor, Brian White. NYFS is still not utilizing its credit line; funds are better than last year; a $5K donation came in today.   
          b) Diane said Newtown Women’s Club might donate to NYFS with further clarification of the NYFS mission. Discussion followed about the need to “spread the word” more, which will be a responsibility of the new Executive Director.         

          4.  Interim Executive Director’s Report - See attached.
 a) Clinical sessions were up in March for the second consecutive month. Supportive program hours were also up, mostly due to parenting education classes.
 b) Behavioral support was busy with full case quotas.
 c) Jill read a positive testimonial from a parent.
 d) Independent Living Day went well on April 23 with 36 volunteers and 40 senior homes. Jessi thanked all staff and board members who helped to make it a success.

5. Reports of Committees
          a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure) – Tom discussed a Bridgeport agency (Family Svcs of Woodhill) suggesting a possible merger, affiliation, or contract services with NYFS.
          b) Personnel – The committee reviewed the evaluations of two staff members with Sheila and Jessi.
          c) Finance – see Treasurer’s Report. Eileen has been working hard on analyzing and documenting past financials.  
          d) Development and Fundraising – Cindy and Maureen discussed the Spring into Summer Family Fun Day on May 14 at Newtown Youth Academy. We currently have $3,200 in sponsorships, 28 attendees, 10 volunteers, and several donations for the silent and live auctions. Fliers were distributed to all elementary school students; advertising will be done in the Newtown Patch (Steve), Facebook (Jessi), and the Newtown Bee NYFS section (Jessi). Tickets are being sold at both Newtown locations of NSB and possibly at NYA. Cindy will email a list of jobs and time slots to board members. Layne discussed problems with finding a location for the circus. Holiday Festival planning will begin in July.
          e) Long-Range Planning – see Facilities Report.
          f) Audit – no report
          g) Continuous Quality Improvement – no report
          h) Facilities – Steve talked about a recent meeting with Pat Llodra to discuss NYFS’ interest in FFH space. He will work with town officials on grant opportunities. Jessi expressed concern with waiting list due to space limitations; more details will be provided to the board.  
           i) Nominating Steve introduced Sheilah Krasnickas as a potential Board member. Openings for next year include treasurer, student, and education representatives.   

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Adjournment
        At 7:30 pm motion made by Diane Savinelli and seconded by Steve Meeker to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Denise Rodriguez  April 26, 2011